John Nix

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Hebrews 2

The Message Declared By Angels 

The author urges the reader to pay close attention to the message of the gospel to avoid drifting away. Failure to pay attention leads to the possibility of drifting away from Christ's gospel. If the message declared by angels is true and transgression of the Law results in retribution, then how grave are the consequences neglecting the gospel of Jesus Christ resulting in a great salvation. Jesus declared the good news of the kingdom as he shared the word. Those who heard Christ attested to his message and God confirmed its authority and authenticity through signs, wonders, miracles, and gifts of the Holy Spirit. God's power was demonstrated to show his sovereignty. The world to come is the new order initiated and ruled by Christ, not the angels. Salvation could not be accomplished by the angels, only Christ could bring about salvation, and so he humiliated himself becoming like the creature and for a time a little lower than the angels. Man was the apex of God's creation, but because of sin, humanity is not what he was intended to be. Christ assumed our humanity and was exposed to the perils of life and death. Man is not what he was designed to be, but Jesus came to reveal what man is like in God’s original purpose and what humanity can be through Christ. Christ was humiliated, but he is now exalted with glory and honor because he was obedient through suffering and by grace Jesus tasted and defeated death for all who will believe. 

The Founder Of Their Salvation

Christ's sacrifice was fitting, and it has been part of God’s compassionate plan from before the beginning. Jesus, the creator, for whom and by whom all things exist, determined this way of salvation through suffering. God will bring many sons to glory by the pioneer and founder of our faith. Jesus leads and shows the way that leads to salvation. Christians will be brought to glory by Christ. Jesus is fully qualified to be the pioneer and the object of saving faith. By his death, Jesus sanctified us by becoming one of us in his humanity and by making us one with him. In salvation, the Christian is adopted as a child of God with Christ as the elder brother and Jesus is not ashamed to call us brothers. Through Christ's grace, the Christian is to live a holy life that is set apart. Christ has conquered all enemies, and they are his footstool. Christ became human facing the same weaknesses and temptations as the creature. Christ liberates the slaves held by sin, death, and the devil because he reigns victorious. Christ has removed the fear of death in the future and guilt the fear of the past. Jesus Christ, the merciful and faithful high priest, takes away our sin rendering sin forgiven, the sin debt paid, and pardon secured. God does not overlook sin, sin is dealt with decisively, wrath is satisfied, and justice is accomplished through the atonement of Jesus Christ our Lord. Jesus is faithful, and he will never fail. Jesus shared the suffering of humanity and is able to sympathize with his people in every way. Jesus does not just offer emotional support; he is able to help those who suffer and are tempted. Jesus leads by his example and his word, instructing his siblings on how to respond to suffering or temptation but he does much more than teach, he supports because he is the brother for adversity who supplies the strength needed.

Things To Consider:

  • How do you pay attention to the word?
  • How should we think of Christ's humiliation?
  • How can we see Jesus now?
  • How does Jesus lead many sons to glory?
  • If Jesus is sinless, how is he made perfect through suffering?
  • Why did Christ have to become human?
  • How did Christ destroy death?
  • What is the power of death?
  • Why is propitiation necessary?
  • What comfort do you receive knowing that Christ has suffered and been tempted? Why?